There are a few spots of dents and scratches on the Accord, some caused by my own mistakes, and others by some ignorant jackasses. For example, as the picture below shows, there's a big scratch along to door to the rear wheel well. If it wasn't for Bob D'arcy, my ignorant landlord's stupid "black-topping" work on the parking lot, the car wouldn't receive such heart-breaking scratch. (The "black-topping sealing" he called, was just a trick to make the parking lot look newer, it wasn't even a re-pavement at all.)
Got a quote from Tom, he asks about $400 to fix everything, then I got a quote from Ilya, he asks $350-$400 for everything. I think I'd go with Ilya since he had worked on a few of our cars already and I could put more trust in him than Tom.
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